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Our Rising Stars!
We would like to share with you some updated photos of "Our
Progeny" that are all around the continent. . . and back in England
now, too! We are very proud
of them all, and think they really show off the fruits of all our labor
for the development of a top quality breeding program! We are also very glad we can share the joy
of raising these wonderful animals with such great new owners!
This page is always under construction - check back soon
for updates!
Laurelhighland Diamond (7 months)
Actress Mackenzie Rosman and Laurelhighland Harmony
Laurelhighland Blossom O' the Hill (7 months)
Laurelhighland Knight Waver (9 years old)
Laurelhighland Pearl (5 years old)
Laurelhighland Rambler (nearly 5 years old)
Laurelhighland Jake (3 yo) and Bruce Hausser
Laurelhighland English Rose (6 yo)
Laurelhighland Rambler (3 yo)
Laurelhighand Victor (2 yo)
Laurelhighland Jake (yearling)
Laurelhighland Rose Petal (as 2 yo in September 2006)
Laurelhighland Venus (yearling)
Laurelhighland Lucky Lad (yearling) and Allison Beaudry
Laurelhighland Lilibet as yearling in California, July 2007
Laurelhighland Crown Jewel (10 months old) in California
Laurelhighland Diamond (5 months)
Laurelhighland Gypsy (4 yo)
Laurelhighland Jewel (1 yo)
Laurelhighland Rambler (3 yo)
Laurelhighland Victor with owner, Lisa Lindholm, at the Midwest Horse Fair
Laurelhighland Frivolity (as 2 yo) in Minnesota
Laurelhighland Pegasus and Else Brunner
Laurelhighland Pearl in 2006 (as 2 yo)
At the Winter Festival in Florida in 2006, with owner Laura Howell. (Photo courtesy of Laura Howell)
Harmony was California's first Fell pony! (Photo courtesy of Young Rider magazine)
With our Lauren (8), and Janelle (6), just before Blossom was exported to England in November 2008
On the cover of "Discover Suffolk" magazine with his dressage rider Ashley Drum in January 2009 (Image courtesy of Kristen Staehling)
Successfully competing at her first hunter/jumper competition in NJ at Silver Bits & Spur in January 2009. She won a 2nd and two 3rds in open classes! (Photo by Jim Fredericks, courtesy of Ann Riveiro)
In winter coat (February 2008) in New York
Learning to drive in Cape Cod in 2007 (Photo courtesy of Bruce Hausser)
As Bridesmaid (!) with owner and father of the bride, John Skivington, in 2006
English Rose (a.k.a. "Chloe") was also New York's first Fell pony!
Fell Pony Champion at Dressage at Devon 2006 Mountain & Moorland Pony Competition in Pennsylvania (Owner - Paul Elliott, Virginia)
Reserve Champion Fell Pony at Dressage at Devon 2006 Mountain & Moorland Pony Competition (Handler is Keri Erickson; owner is Lisa Lindholm, Minnesota)
At Equine Affaire - Massachusetts in 2005, with owners Bruce and Olga Hausser
Petal won Fell Pony Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion in Mixed M&M WPCA Competition in California. She won the same awards again in 2007, under 2 different UK judges. (Photo courtesy of owner, Rene' Bender)
3rd place Fell Pony (against all ages) in WPCA Mixed M&M Competition in California in 2006 (Handler is owner Joanna Gilbert. Photo courtesy of Rene' Bender)
In 2006, "Laddie" competed in his first show and took 2nd in showmanship and in the halter class. He had to compete against many seasoned competitors and was the most well-behaved of all!
Lilibet was named in honor of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's 80th birthday. "Lilibet" was HM's childhood nickname. (Photo courtesy of Linda Corlett)
July 2007 (Photo courtesy of Linda Corlett)
In Florida (Photo courtesy of owner, Laura Howell, Florida).
At Dressage at Devon 2006 Mountain & Moorland Pony Competition in Pennsylvania (owner - Patty Gallagher, New Jersey) Gypsy was New Jersey's first Fell pony!
At Dressage at Devon 2006 Mountain & Moorland Pony Competition in Pennsylvania (owner - Trici Boland, Maryland)
Fell Pony Champion at Dressage at Devon 2006 Mountain & Moorland Pony Competition in Pennsylvania (Owner - Paul Elliott, Virginia)
Madison, Wisconsin in 2006
Jack Pine Dressage Circuit In-Hand Supreme Champion 2007 (Photo courtesy of owner, Lisa Lindholm)
In winter 2005/2006 in Pennsylvania (Photo courtesy of John Brunner)
Pearl was also shown as a 3 yo in August 2007 in Harford, PA, and took first in halter in the pony class and second overall. (Photo courtesy of owner, Ann Riveiro)
Laurelhighland Diamond (7 months)
At the Winter Festival in Florida in 2006, with owner Laura Howell. (Photo courtesy of Laura Howell)
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Laurel Highland Farm. All rights reserved.
09 Feb 2018 16:05:29 -0500.